Sunday, May 30, 2010

reward trips

This Month we took some of our kids at the Orphanage on special reward trips. The first trip was for the “little monkeys” music class. We took them to a puppet show of “Pinocchio”. Along with the puppets, grown up actors and actresses, danced and sang, bringing the story to life. The kids were spellbound. Afterwards we took those kids and the kids who had earned all their points in class to Macdonalds for lunch and then to the park. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was amazing to see some of the smaller kids who were scared to cross the rope bridge even with help at the start of the visit, confidently run across it by themselves by the end of the trip. Later on in the month, we took the kids in the Art class to visit Cotroceni Palace and Museum. This is the residence of Romania’s President. We had a guided tour and the children were really interested in what they saw and heard even asking the guide questions. After the tour we had a picnic lunch at the Botanical Gardens. They children took great delight in feeding the fish there, I am just glad they didn’t fall in!!

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