Sunday, April 14, 2013

A different kind of school

Last week was scoala altfel (which means – a different kind of school), where the children have different opportunities to learn about subjects they have not had the chance to learn about before or learn about subjects in a different way. I had the opportunity to teach science (obviously no-one knew that the
last science experiment I did ended up with me having to completely redecorate my bedroom as a teenager after the walls, carpet and bedclothes were covered in a bright orange goo!!) However, I am glad to say that this time was much more successful. We made invisible ink and wrote secret messages, blew up balloons with fizz in a bottle, we mixed different coloured paints and shaving cream in plastic bags to make new colours, made elephant toothpaste and even made our own slime! The kids loved it and although we made a lot of mess, I think they learned something and will remember it for a long time to come.

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